I Redesigned a Hero Section : Looking for a feedback

I redesigned an App's Hero section. Here is what I improved:

Key Improvement I added -

  • Easy to read visual headline
  • Crisp and clutter free sub-heading
  • Recreated Logo to match the brand
  • Replaced CTA with 'Book a Demo' for clarity
  • Enhanced social proof for building trust

here is the figma link : https://www.figma.com/proto/LraxAib8cvxKUbkWc4Oz4g/Business?node-id=55-7848&t=dSiGuePzamvVDPad-1

Your feedback is highly appreciated friends.

on July 4, 2024
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    1. The shadow part should be behind elements, looks cool but it shouldn't take away readability
    2. the icons should be smaller, they attract way to much attention
    3. Trusted by etc. should be below fold if someone wants to click the CTA the moment they land, let them. Don't give them more info. If they aren't ready yet, they scroll and you give them more reasons to click.
    4. Company logo should be a bit bigger, that way even if someone goes on the site and they don't do anything else it at least drove brand awareness a bit more. If you don't want to make it bigger, incorporate the company name into the copy headline. For example, under the headline add a small "with" and then the company logo
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      Noted, your all points are valid and makes sense. Thank you Dionysis!

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    The improvements you have made to the hero section are spot-on.

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      Thanks Prem, it gave me motivation to redesign more websites!

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    Hi RK,

    I feel like you are struggling with the customer recommendations part and I had the same problem and ended up just dropping them.

    Anyway as things stand the page is too busy and confusing.

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      Appreciate the honest feedback David, Now that I see it I agree with you.

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      Thank you man, appreciate it, will be designing some more.

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