I redesigned an App's Hero section. Here is what I improved:
Key Improvement I added -
here is the figma link : https://www.figma.com/proto/LraxAib8cvxKUbkWc4Oz4g/Business?node-id=55-7848&t=dSiGuePzamvVDPad-1
Your feedback is highly appreciated friends.
Noted, your all points are valid and makes sense. Thank you Dionysis!
The improvements you have made to the hero section are spot-on.
Thanks Prem, it gave me motivation to redesign more websites!
Hi RK,
I feel like you are struggling with the customer recommendations part and I had the same problem and ended up just dropping them.
Anyway as things stand the page is too busy and confusing.
Appreciate the honest feedback David, Now that I see it I agree with you.
Thank you man, appreciate it, will be designing some more.