Solution for building a help/knowledge base section? #help #suggestion #ask

Can you recommend a platform for building a help section for a SaaS?

on July 6, 2019
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    It might not be the best choice from day 1 (if you're at zero users or just getting started), but once you have some customers and you spend part of your time every day doing customer support, I would recommend https://crisp.chat/ – $99/mo for Helpdesk + Live Chat + Email support and pretty much every thing else you need.

    You might not choose to enable live chat (but you should!) – however, getting email support connected to ticketing and helpdesk is going to save you so much time once you need it.

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    Hey! Im the creator of https://eondesk.com which is a platform that allows companies to create fast and easy knowledge bases. It is currently going through beta and is totally free and users will be grandfathered in.

    The design is customizable, you can easily add a whitelabel i.e. a custom down instead of using a subdomain, there is no limit on the amount of users (customers and employees/agents). And soon we'll add a multi language features, will come within 7 days.

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    Hey Ciprian,

    Take a look at https://helpjoy.io - You can customise the design, add your own domain, and we're adding more helpdesk type features soon. Take the free trial for a ride, any questions or feature requests just let me know!

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    I love this.

    Have used it many times, so easy and fast and produces IMO beautiful output. The search ability is also very powerful.


    This is the material theme for mk docs. There are many, but I find this one really clean and easy to use.

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