Revised: I charge for something which doesn't exist...

Yes, I deployed yesterday a new Release on my Full-Stack Developer Jobs Board, where I introduce a Freemium Model for Job Posts charging some money for a feature which don't exist.

I'm a Scammer and btw a crazy one, which posts this here in public?

Well, a bit crazy I must be t

submitted this link on May 25, 2019
  1. 2

    Interesting, I love home MVP this is - great way to approach things if you know you can respond quickly when needed.

    Actually it's similar in many places I've worked over the years, but slightly expanded timeframes i.e. sales will get a big contract in by promising we have a couple of features that we don't have yet (that they know are in the pipeline anyway) and then once the client goes into proper contract negotiations those features get rushed through for delivery when the new clients contract starts

    1. 1

      Hey Chris.
      Yeah, I think it really makes sense. Even in, as you wrote, in "normal companies".
      But... When it's purely sales driven, and not PO drove it can get in the wrong direction. I see this at my day job, where I have senior PO role and have to take a lot of care of sales guys selling stuff which is not really fitting with the road map. Then, with a quiet complex software, it can get at least complex to handle it. But in general, I fully agree. The only "attention" I would like to put is on sales (sometimes vs) product thinking

      1. 2

        Yeah definitely, I've experienced that too, sales making promises that just aren't deliverable in the available time! Normally where I work now there is a direct line of communication between sales, product and customer support on any functionality they're looking to offer the client to help close a deal, but even then things slip through!

  2. 2

    Yeah, the IH/Maker way. Makes just sense

  3. 2

    good look with your new features!

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