🚢 The 10 Commandments of Shipping

Hey guys,

Here are my 10 commandments of shipping, anything else to add?

  1. Ship small (seek the shortest path to show and deliver value to your customers)
  2. Ship imperfect products (perfection is the enemy of done)
  3. Ship for your users, not for you
  4. Ship every day (it creates momentum!)
  5. Focus on finishing (shipping), not starting
  6. A shipped product is worth a thousand of blog posts
  7. Ship first. Then iterate
  8. Do not forget to charge
  9. Ship in public (WIP chat, IH, Twitter...)
  10. 🚢 Just Ship It!
on June 11, 2019
  1. 2

    I think I like "perfect is the enemy of good" better, just paints this picture that if you strive for perfection you run the risk of not even creating something good. That's assuming you subscribe to the idea that most projects are never actually "done" :)

    Great list!!

  2. 1

    Awesome!! Mine is 1% progress daily

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