MortgageCalculator.io launch, tips on next feature?

Just launched the android app:

This is a few months after launching the main site. First month android installs were over 500 with a 64% retention rate! Pretty happy with that.

Looking for feedback on the

submitted this link on June 8, 2019
  1. 2

    Easy to use and you can quickly determine payment amounts as you are negotiating offers

    1. 1

      Appreciate you checking it out!

  2. 2

    Great job with growth and retention!

  3. 1

    It's one of the best mortgage calculators I've ever used so far. I'm on my second house, so I've tried a few different such calculators in the last few years. I am working with a mortgage advisor from https://www.Cambridgemoneyman.com and he recommended using this calculator for my monthly payments. It's easy to use, and I like it because I can keep track of my finances and be more organized. It would be great to add the extra payment option though, but even without that, it works perfectly fine.

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