How to successfully launch on Product Hunt and become the Product of the Week?

This is Mert from UserGuiding team, and I want to share our experience with our Product Hunt launch.

We have launched the new version of UserGuiding on 16th of April and succeeded to be #1 Product of the Week.

Do you need a famous hunter for your launch?

In the article in thei

submitted this link on June 14, 2019
  1. 5

    I hope that there is a 'save' button so I can go back to this if I need to. This is great btw!!!

    1. 2

      I second this... we need a save button!

      1. 2

        thank you!!

        for now, you can bookmark this page or our blog post I think.

        but a bookmark button inside IH will increase our QoL as well!!

  2. 2

    Thank you for the Product Hunt Clock (whattimeisitatproducthunt.com) shout out! 🙌

  3. 2

    In case anyone is unaware, ProductHunt wrote a blog post on how to launch on ProductHunt. Here it is: https://blog.producthunt.com/how-to-launch-on-product-hunt-7c1843e06399

    1. 1

      Indeed, I mentioned that article in our blog post but thought that IndieHackers were familiar with basics so skipped that part here.

      Thanks for mentioning it!

  4. 2

    Thanks for sharing Mert. Very useful. I plan to launch in Hacker news first. Do you have any suggestions on that? Here is the link of our github (https://github.com/Dan-inpooling/Privacy-eye) that we will be using for launch as it's a free & open source project for data privacy.

    1. 1

      Good luck on your launch Dan!

      I launched on HN as well (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19633066).

      Around 30 people visited our website and only 1 upvote on HN.

      I belive your project will gather more attraction from HN. Let us know how your launch goes!

      1. 2

        Got you! I will definitely share my experience with IH about how it goes. It's planned for this Wednesday (Stats showed that Wednesday has the best luck as weekday) :)

  5. 2

    Thank you for sharing!

    1. 2

      Hope it helps to other hackers, Mukhtar!

  6. 2

    wow, a great article including awesome tips. thanks.

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