Need feedback on my web tool for designers and developers. I am getting more user on my site and I want to be there for them...


  • I would like to know how does it feel to use it.
  • Is there anything you would change ?
  • What do you like/dislike ?
  • What could it be better ?
  • New feature?

Thank you so much. !

on June 25, 2019
  1. 1

    Google fonts is pretty great for fonts, so it’s hard to compete there. Your interface is nice though.

    The colours are a little abstract and it’s hard to imagine them on my site when presented like that. A generic page using each might be a good visualization

    1. 1

      Hey !

      Thank you for taking the time to have a look at it.


      • I know, it's a bit naive of me to have that section, but I wanted the user to stay around while they take gradients or palettes.

      • I have to say that it goes quicker in m site,... is 1 click.


      • As seen like that, yeah they are abstract that's the reason you can choose between to get the whole palette or get them one by one because there's no need to used them all.


      Do you mean like, it would change the color theme used of that page? It sounds great tho.

      1. 2

        If the fonts were carefully curated so a designer knows it’s a good shortlist to use, that would be handy.

        β€œChange Color theme” could be a script that either changes a live page, or else it could be a link to one of several versions of static pages produced previously.

        Might be a bit of work but I dunno, it would be nice to have

        Just thoughts!

        1. 1

          Ah, I get it. That would be a nice idea, I like it. BUT I am still learning and I don't know how to do that at the moment.

          What do you mean with carefully curated? I am open to any kind of feedback!

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