500 users in 80 days, first review & new version

Yesterday we reached a supercool milestone: up to now 500 people paid us real money for our app to document their baby's teeth – that's unbelievable! We're so grateful for the trust they have in our work and that we have a valuable impact on people's lives!

We even got the first review in the App Store: 4 out of 5 stars, since we messed up the dates (didn't account for the day-month switch in US) but they're overall very happy with the app. That this person got out of their way and went into the App Store to write this review (we don't have a "Rate this app" popup in the app) is especially flattering!

Last week two persons wrote us about the exact same feature-wish they had: the possibility to change the orientation of the teeth' labels (dentists switch left and right). With the new update, released yesterday, we addressed that with a new settings screen that can be accessed with a simple swipe.

New settings screen: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v8pzpxkzs8eu8v9/babyteeth-v1-2.png?dl=0

This is also the base for the next feature, which the most people asked for: being able to add multiple children. It's a testimonial for starting out super small, that such a non-brainer feature was not part of the 1.0 release and the app is still successful (and people are using it regularly).

In total we've made $542 which makes $375 in revenue after Apple's cut. The sales chart is very consistent and people regularly buy the app, with the exception of two crazy high spikes (71 and 54 sales in a single day) and I have no clue why they happened. We didn't do any marketing yet, there's no feature in the App Store and I can't find anybody online who may linked to our app...

Chart: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fj1akwba0n9gycp/babyteeth-units-july-2019.png

, Founder of Icon for Baby Teeth
Baby Teeth
on July 11, 2019
  1. 2

    Very cute teeth. Congrats!

    1. 1

      Thanks Jviaches! Wish you all the best for the last push for ProjScope to the beta. :)

      1. 2

        Appreciate it! Working very hard to deliver something useful :)

  2. 2

    This is pretty cool. Love the look of the app as well. Congrats!

    1. 1

      That's one of the biggest selling points for users it seems, the looks — thanks for the compliment, Nash. :)

  3. 2

    That's so cool, I love the fact that you can make money from this kind of thing! 💪

    1. 1

      Yes! As makers we're surrounded by maker-problems and digital stuff that could be optimized, which makes it hard look past them and see what other problems we're having everyday life.

      But the effort to look further is rewarded, because many of those everyday problems can be solved super easily with technology.

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