350 Signups!

https://minimaps.io just reached 350 signups!

A good portion of those who signed up are also actively using the product. I haven't done much marketing yet and most of the traffic was driven from IH.

I'll be posting on Product Hunt this week so I'm excited to see what happens with that audience.

, Founder of Icon for Minimaps
on June 1, 2020
  1. 2

    Hey Nate, congratulations on this milestone!

    Just checked out Minimaps, and I have to say it’s one of the best looking websites I’ve ever seen. Absolutely love the design and overall feel of the site. Awesome job 🙌

  2. 1

    Congrats @nateschulte and good luck with the PH launch.

  3. 1

    Looks really cool. One suggestion from my side is you can include some screenshots or video of the application on landing page, so that users know how it looks like and how it works at the first glance instead of trying to figure out themselves.

    1. 1

      Thanks for the feedback!

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