10 Sales!

10 people decided my content was worth $20! I am still happy with a one-off payment - I now have 18 videos, each is 10-15m for approximately 3 hours of content.

I'm using the skills I learned to work on a full length course, where students build an entire front-end app from scratch, which I'll be selling for $49.

I'm learning a ton about marketing and email campaigns, I'm really excited to see how my first full length course is received.

, Founder of Icon for Vue.js Courses
Vue.js Courses
on May 28, 2020
  1. 2

    That's awesome. I'll be checking this out over the weekend. Looks like a great resource :)

  2. 2

    Congrat, keep it up!

  3. 2

    Kudos to you Lachlan!

  4. 2

    Very cool Lachlan, that's a huge milestone! If you can find 10 to pay you, you can find 1,000's more.

    1. 1

      Thank you! I hope so! 🎉

  5. 2

    Hey Lachlan! You're an expert on a niche topic. Your knowledge is certainly worth much more than 20 or 49 bucks!

    I don't feel like it's an issue for you so don't take my advice too seriously, but if I were you, I would raise my prices (add a zero to the end for instance, seems reasonnable).

    1. 2

      Hey, thanks for the encouragement! I really appreciate it.

      I may start to play around with pricing a bit more - I'm redoing my website's UI to look a bit more professional and modern, so that will probably help justify a bit higher price too (current one is a true MVP, only a couple of hours - but it helped validate the idea!)

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