
Quick Chat with Dominic Monn of MentorCruise

Episode #129

Dominic Monn (@dqmonn) created a marketplace for mentors where none existed, and quickly grew it into a positive revenue stream. What's more, he did it while enduring a 3-hour commute and working a demanding internship. In this episode, we discuss how Dominic leaned heavily on cold outreach to populate his marketplace, the joy of reaching out to (and hearing back from!) satisfied users, and the importance of planning when most of your day is already booked with a full-time job.

Show Notes

  1. 3

    Loved this! Will check it out.

  2. 1

    @dqmonn congratulations on building mentorcruise and connecting people in this way! (btw noticed one 'broken' link reference to missing page https://mentorcruise.com/blog/meet-the-mentors/home. The link was at the bottom of /mentor page. Just thought to let you know)

  3. 1

    Thanks @dqmonn this was great. I am also building a 2-sided marketplace so this resonated. I would be interested in an entrepreneurship mentor since I don't have a co-founder. Do you think MentorCruise might offer that type of mentor someday?

    1. 1

      Hey Rachel,

      Appreciate the kind words! We have a small set of tech entrepreneurs on MentorCruise already, although it's something I'd like to focus on more (for all of us looking to build something in Tech).

      Browse through some of the Business mentors here: https://mentorcruise.com/mentor/browse/?tagsearch=Business

  4. 1

    Yay, it's out! This was such a fun talk! Thanks for having me on the podcast!

    Something I didn't mention: Tons of mentees are looking for help with their projects too, so if you're good at shipping and would love to start mentoring others – feel free to reach out!

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