3-lifetime memberships were sold in one night on AppSumo

submitted this link to Icon for group Growth
on August 26, 2020
  1. 2

    Yunus, saw your deal being discussed in a LTD facebook group last night and everyone was saying they would buy it but they do not like the 100 links limit. By links I guess you meant pages. Your deal includes 10 project, but has a limit of 100 links. So basically, 10 links per page, which is a huge deal breaker.

    1. 3

      If you ask me, it is a quite fair offer for such a low Price and lifetime access. Unfortunately the appsumo Scene is very greedy and wants all for almost nothing. But as a dev / Vendor of the Deal, you have to set some limits cause you have to handout the largest amount of the Income to appsumo anyway..

      1. 2

        Absolutely! Thats why I decided to never make any deal with them. Almost every Saas regrets doing it.

    2. 2

      Here is the FB post link (You may need to join the private group): https://www.facebook.com/groups/martechwise/?post_id=774114560054998

      1. 1

        Thank you for sharing the post. You are absolutely right. It is very costly to analyze (pagespeed, uptime, w3c, SERP, SEO) 100 pages every day just for a single member. but I also understand users. We are constantly looking for ways to reduce costs.

        1. 1

          I understand. I think it would have been better if the plan only included 3 projects. That would have made more sense. I hope you get more sales. I really liked the product. Specially the Interface. I will probably get a copy.

          1. 1

            Thanks for your feedback.
            We wanted to make a more flexible and useful plan.

    3. 1

      Would you suggest me any ltd group

  2. 1

    I'd check with AppSumo about their launch. We sold thousands on our campaign there, with over 250+ just on the first day! Were you included in their newsletter broadcast? That is when the floodgates open.

    1. 1

      Newly released products do not appear on AppSumo homepage. It only appears in searches. It is not possible to make 250+ sales in one day this way. May I ask you how managed this sale?

      1. 1

        Ours was a 3 month campaign that we ran with them. The first and last day of the campaign was HUGE, with a good steady rate of signups in between. I wasn't aware that you could just list a product on AppSumo - I thought everyone had to go through the launch process where they prepare a video for you and email their subscriber base??

  3. 1

    Doesn't 3 seem to be less for AppSumo...

  4. 1


    They usually do 300 right? :)

    1. 1

      YES, but Screpy only appears in AppSumo searches yet.

  5. 1

    This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

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