Neat little tricks for increasing your conversion [part 2]

This is part 2, as promised, of the landing page tips! For part 1 check my profile.

1. Do not target multiple audiences on 1 page

No, your startup is not for everybody. Last weekend I was looking for a coach. I found three coaches:
A coach for life coaching, business coaching, burn out coaching etc;
A coach for people in their twenties and thirties;
A coach for young entrepreneurs in their twenties.

Which one do you think I choose? Exactly, the third one, cause I am RIGHT in his target audience. I feel more addressed when I read his website. Like you can't coach the whole world, your problem can't solve the whole world. You need to start solving 1 problem very good for 1 target audience.

2. Install some heatmap software on your page

Heatmaps will give you a better understanding of how your visitors read and scroll through your page. Perhaps they click on things that are not clickable? Or maybe they don't even reach the end of your page where your subscribe form is located. Chances are a heatmap will give you some good insights.

3. Provide a signup form halfway your page

This a neat little trick if you have a very long landing page. Try to provide a signup form halfway your page to see if people are willing to convert before the end of the page.

4. Put a very clear call to action on the page

What is the most important action you want your visitors to take? Is that login, register, book now, schedule a call? Take a look at all the buttons on your page and decide which action you want them to take. A good landing page has not many links on it that will drive your customer away from that specific page. Your landing page should only have 1 call to action.

5. Validate your IDEA not your DESIGN

It's not worth it to spend hours on the right design for your landing page. It's not your design your validating. Of course, you need to make it a little bit decent, but you don't have to think about the whole colour palette of your brand yet. It's for sure that your idea and your brand are gonna change anyway. So don't spend time and money on designs and vectors for an idea nobody might be waiting for. 
My landing page literally uses 2 colours. Black and white.

6. Content is king but context is God

The content of your landing page is far more important than the colours and images on your page. However, there is one more thing more important than the content. Attracting the right audience to your landing page. You can have the best marketing texts in the world but if you only send housewives to your tech-related startup landing page you'll end up with no conversion anyway. Figure out who the people are on your landing page right now and decide if they are your target audience.

Check out my landing page here:

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Landing Page Feedback
on May 6, 2020
  1. 1

    Just subscribed, one of the simplest and leanest landing pages I’ve seen for a while. I didn’t feel like I was being sold to, which is great!

  2. 1

    Any tips for easiest way to generate heatmap visualisation?

    1. 2

      Ah I forgot to mention that! Personally I use hotjar but crazy egg is also famous for it.

  3. 1

    This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

    1. 1

      Haha let's hope it is. Thank you for subscribing!

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