A huge step in quantum computing was just announced: The first-ever quantum circuit

It was published in Nature yesterday that scientists created a computer circuit with all the usual trimmings, but at a quantum scale. We're one step closer to using quantum processing power to understand the universe better.

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on June 23, 2022
  1. 1

    Quantum computers are very interesting indeed. One aspect that was always challenging for me to understand is how exactly do we "collapse" a wave function, but then use the power of quantum entanglement and uncertainty in quantum states anyway? I mean it's like burning a lot of coal to produce steam so it could produce electricity - so much energy is lost in the process. With quantum computers, all the magic of having more states than 1 and 0 needs to be converted into a classic state anyway, but it seems that this quantum computation will be lost at that point?

  2. 1

    This part is so cool:

    Quantum computers are needed because classical computers cannot model large molecules; they are just too complex.

    For example, to create a simulation of the penicillin molecule with 41 atoms, a classical computer would need 1086 transistors, which is "more transistors than there are atoms in the observable universe".

    For a quantum computer, it would only require a processor with 286 qubits (quantum bits).

  3. 1

    This stuff bows my mind — so cool!

    1. 1

      Yes it is just amazing how far we have reached as a species.

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