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Advice for starting an online community with an ambitious goal

We are working on a service to allow anyone to offer a password free login for their users. It should take no more than 10 minutes to set up on a website you run. (Once you are off the wait list, we are currently very alpha)

Communities like Monzo were an inspiration for us to s

submitted this link to Icon for group Growth
on August 16, 2019
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    On one hand it is such a niche topic, but on the other it is something that everyone has to deal with, I'm curious from that aspect.

    I would seed the community:

    • with content and ensure they get responses, even if it is from just a handful of people, or you responding as someone else to answer the questions.
    • with all types of questions that people have around passwords.
    • find people who are asking questions or talking about passwords write up a discussion on it, then point people to it.

    Is it a good idea? I dunno :D Will you enjoy it? Learn from it? Make money from it? If you don't make money will it bring value in other ways? (e.g. build up a community and reputation which you can use to your advantage?)

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