Any cool Canadian projects out there? 🇨🇦

Being from Ottawa, I'm curious if there are any projects which are Canada specific.

I'm sure dividing by Country could be a possible way to reach a niche. I'm wondering if anybody has founds success honing in on a single Country?

It doesn't have to be just Canada...

Lemme know!

posted to Icon for group Ideas and Validation
Ideas and Validation
on May 18, 2020
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    Lunch Money is Canadian and supports Canadian banks for automatic imports! :)

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      Hey last IH interview I heard was yours and it was great to hear about success close to home. Thank you for the inspiration. Also love the design of your website/graphics. I take it is hand-crafted?

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    Obie.ai is built by @alexsopinka and myself from Hamilton, Ontario 🇨🇦

    Unfortunately, we have found almost ALL of our customers abroad. It's a sweeping generalization, but we've found Canadian companies to be more risk adverse than our American and European brothers and sisters..

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    Hey! I'm Canadian and I founded Remotely Inclined, a newsletter about remote work and remote entrepreneurship.

    It's not 100% Canada specific, but I feature Canadian entrepreneurs in the podcast series.

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      Subbed! I work remotely and am going to work in Revelstoke this winter. I am looking for tips now days.

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        Awesome! Excited to have you in the community :)

  4. 1

    Toronto here as well. Freelance work has mostly been local but just due to the nature of networking. Not intentional.

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    I'm in Vancouver, but most of my teammates are in Toronto, and then Brazil.

    https://www.emigro.io/ - startup studio for global mobility and immigration products, founded by immigrants
    https://www.verity.legal/ - legal industry platform to increase access to justice

    None of my projects are intended to be Canada-specific, even if they start that way. I'm always looking for new partners and collaborators.

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    @Mirv you're from Canada right?

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      hello! @MrAtiebatie, thanks for the call out. Yep, Based out of Canada. We are building hellosprout.io

      The product is not niche to Canada, just being built here :)

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    As Simon noted, we’re in Canada (based in Vancouver). A few of the folks who’re using our product are here, just based on who we’ve reached out to. That said, our product isn’t Canada-specific.

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    I'm starting out focusing locally in Vancouver. I'm thinking building a customer base close to home will allow me to smooth over any bugs that come up and build relationships with customers.

    That being said, data isn't Vancouver or Canada specific.

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      What are you working on?

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        Thanks for asking.

        The origin story is:
        I was working for an insurance company that needed to pull data together from underwriting, claims, accounting, HR, web, etc. I built them a data lake and they were super happy with it. At the same time I was volunteering on City of New Westminster open data and they said it takes them a full day to cleanup data before uploading it as a text file.
        Solving those two problems inspired me to realize it's the same problem, data storage & access.
        So I thought, building a data lake shouldn't require a developer and custom code. Firing up a data lake should be as easy as installing WordPress. I build a data lake app in PHP+mySQL so it can run on virtually any server.
        Being that I know it really well, I can install Lakebed on a server in 1hr. The install page has contextual help so hopefully an IT sysadmin can do the install themselves in less than 2hr. From there, it's a simple drag & drop to add CSV/Excel data to the lake. As soon as data's in the lake a BI analyst can explore it, query an API, or the org can build data-driven apps.

        More info if you want it:
        1.) A 3-minute video showing, in real-time, going disparate data files to visual dashboard
        2.) 5-minutes to upload and 3hr of automated processing to add 1,300,000 rows to the data lake
        3.) Those 1,300,000 rows of federal open data combined in an easy-to-use search tool

        What about you? What are you working on? How are you doing in lockdown? COVID causing you much stress?

        1. 1

          Yeah I'll check it out. Does it work well for logs and something like ELK? I'm trying to implement best practices for my freelance clients and have been meaning to look into data lakes.

          Yeah I'm a security engineer from Ottawa and I freelance on the side. They're both going well I mean my income is pretty 50/50 split at this point.

          Kind of just looking for inspo given that I have enough code to whip up nice/scaleable apps and websites in a day.

          1. 2

            Oh cool. While I don't officially have infosec experience, I did argue for many years that a janitor could walk out with paper files from insurance companies and no one would know.

            Another motivation for starting Lakebed is that data lakes should not be limited to SaaS/cloud. Like WordPress, Lakebed can actually run on an air-gapped server or a server within a network and without internet access.

            I know Lakebed works with Apache logs, most logs are just CSVs so it should work. I'm happy to:
            1.) Throw a bit of sample data it in a lake and confirm it works.
            2.) Share the app.
            3.) Send you a VirtualBox VM setup and running.
            4.) Give you access to app.lakebed.io.

            I also just remembered that Emetti.com by @karj is also from Vancouver.

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