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Appnea: shakeable breath-hold timer app for breathing exercises - feedback?

Hi all, I'm new here and would like to present on an older hobby project of mine:

A year ago I created "Appnea", an iOS and Android app that I made for a specific purpose: easily timing breath-holds. Seems silly to some perhaps, but there is actually good evidence that "intermittent hypoxia" and breathing exercises in general has therapeutic benefits. It might make more sense if you're familiar with breathing methods such as the Wim Hof Method :)

Anyway, looking to learn... I'd love some feedback on the app and landing page!


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Landing Page Feedback
on January 8, 2020
  1. 1

    Interesting, I could see something like this being useful for medical diagnosis purposes. My daughter had severe sleep apnea, often we wanted to monitor and time her breathing to feed back to doctors. It wasn't fun. (She ended up having her tonsils and adenoids removed).

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