Bento Grid video generator on SlickWid

I started building SlickWid.com 45 days ago and started it with typographic, music synced videos. I loved the product but unfortunately it could not find audience interest. Later, I took a gap and worked on other stuff.

Recently I observed interest and popularity in audience for the Bento Grids. They are simple, structured and organized, yet provide lot of information in a very short duration. I loved it and wanted SlickWid to able to make Bento Grids as videos just in few clicks by selecting appropriate grids.

I wanted to see if people actually like such videos. I spent a day and made a video in a very raw form. I saw people being interested about it. https://x.com/pramodk73/status/1742253741305450667?s=20

I wanted go deep little and started building interface and other layers for the product. After 4 days, I had the working app by which anyone can generate Bento Grid videos (4 seconds long). I definitely found it being more liked than the first form of videos.

I started adding templates to the app so that people don't have to build the video from scratch. Just pick the appropriate template, change text, colors, etc. and download.

I really think it can be a really good form of media for product announcements, stats, wraps, galleries, etc. Find more here https://slickwid.com and happy to provide free credits if someone is interested. Cheers!

on January 5, 2024
  1. 2

    Bento grids looks very professional design! Nice!

    1. 1

      Yeah, I am trying to keep them look professional as well as much as possible :)

  2. 2

    Very nice Design !!!

    1. 1

      Glad to know that! While making it I thought no one would like it. So happy that lot of people liking it :)

  3. 2

    Hey mate! I'm sorry to hear that you had trouble gaining traction. Keep at it; you just need to find the right fit. I'll try it out and I'm going to give deeper feedback

    1. 1

      Yeah, I am just trying to learn from what I do and my best at any point. Hopefully things go better :)
      I will be waiting for your feedback Germerlo!

  4. 2

    So it's creating videos, but all the examples on the site are just static images? Why not show off the videos?
    Also, nice page :)

    1. 2

      Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks for the suggestion. Will make them videos :)

  5. 2

    Of course! The information is presented neatly in your Bento Grid movies. They say so much in such a small amount of time, it's amazing.

    1. 1

      True! I am trying make this app easy enough to create such videos easily under couple of minutes!

  6. 2

    I love your landing page

  7. 2

    Hey, great idea and efforts. I like the landing page and its style! Have you any statistics about the bento grid usage/CVR or something? Would be great to learn more about it and whether it can be applied on all social media platforms (based in its format)!

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