Best resource to learn Alpine.js?

Hello IH's!

So I have been testing Alpine.js and Tailwind on the new Wicked Templates and I really enjoyed Alpine.

I was wondering if you have a legit resource to learn this one.

Also of you want to see what I did you can see it here on the new landing that i am working on.


Thank you everyone!

posted to Icon for group Developers
on October 20, 2020
  1. 1

    Hey, if you're interested you can check out this article: https://lightit.io/blog/when-to-use-alpine-js/

  2. 1

    Before you jump in all the way with Alpine, you owe it to yourself to at least check out Stimulus.

  3. 1

    I run the Alpine.js Weekly newsletter

    You can have a look at the archives for articles/demos etc. https://buttondown.email/alpinejs/archive

    1. 1

      Hey hugo! I think I came across your blog months back.

      The guy from checkout page sent me there as an example and I have looked for it.

      Now I got it, thanks a lot.

      1. 1

        Sander? Nice one!

        The Discord is also pretty active, myself and a couple other contributors are always keen to help out.

        1. 1

          I think it was him yeah...

          how nice, just subscribed actually! thanks a lot Hugo.

  4. 1

    Not sure. Why did you choose AlpineJS?

    1. 1

      Well, I am working with Tailwind and I used 2 components made with Alpine.js.

      I am not a js dev and it looked very understandable, like I could change stuff myself and do what I wanted...so I guess is time for me to learn a slightly higher skill.

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