Corporate journalists are demanding Substack censor its writers

submitted this link to Icon for group Substack Newsletters
Substack Newsletters
on March 17, 2021
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    It's no surprise I'm 100% on the side of the democratization of information through Substack and other platforms. I don't like gatekeepers who cling to an arbitrary claim to authority — especially when they themselves don't live up to the ideals they want to impose on smaller creators.

    That said, I think it's dangerous to have decentralized information on the one hand while having — at least in the US — a two-party, winner-take-all political system.

    Meaning, the very real consequence of losing trust in the mainstream media is that no one can agree on what's true or what matters anymore. Fine: we can survive in this new world of 10+ separate filter bubbles that don't talk to one another. But we probably can't survive it if an election every couple of years puts just one of those dozen filter bubbles in charge of all the other bubbles.

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      My beef with Glenn here is that he has a very broad, convenient definition of censorship: roughly, whenever someone tells him to shut up.

      Because no one’s actually advocating censorship, right? They’re simply saying “hey, Substack is making a name for themselves promoting a lot of problematic people, let’s figure out a way to limit the damage.” It’s not a call to end independent journalism. IHers, of all people, should know that there is plenty of infrastructure to run a newsletter even without Substack!

      I wrote a longer blog post when he quit The Intercept that I think is just as relevant as a response to this: https://jake.nyc/words/what-is-censorship-really/

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      It sounds like during the "Yellow journalism" era of the late 1800s in the US. Lot's of filter bubbles fighting over what was real. People of the time were more knowledgeable about political issues than in prior generations and many consumed news from multiple opposed tabloids.

      On the other hand, that media struggle may have been the primary cause of the Spanish-American War...

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    I for one am tired of all this politically-charged crap (i.e. the "media").

    My pov won't be the same as someone else's -- but that doesn't mean it's wrong. It's simply different. Similarly, I don't have to agree with someone else's pov, but it would be unfair of me to say it's wrong.

    The problem with these types of issues is that each side thinks they're right and the other side is wrong. In my opinion, that's what's caused this seemingly unfixable divide.

    What ever happened to agreeing to disagree (in a kind and thoughtful way)?

    Right and wrong, truth and untruths, good and bad -- these are all prescriptions that don't truly exist. They're imaginary and temporary. There are countless examples of people changing their views over time. So does that mean what they believed before is wrong? No (there is no such thing as wrong). They just had a different pov, and now they have a new pov based on new information, learnings, growth, wisdom, change, etc.

    Unfortunately, a portion of our society (on all sides) have somehow convinced themselves their pov is the right one, and everyone else with opposing views is spewing toxic nonsense.

    Sadly, I think some people have become somewhat lost. Though sometimes to find yourself, you have to lose yourself for some period of time. I know this from my own personal journey -- I am no exception.

    These are amazing life-lessons we should embrace and cherish.

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    Lol. Of course they are against it; much in the same way that bankers like Dimon hate BTC and crypto. It is in their interest to maintain their hegemony over all instruments of power so as to keep on engaging in corruption without accountability. And yes, the media and banking industries are inherently and irredeemably corrupt institutions.

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    This post is kind of ironic coming from you @channingallen. You banned some of my comments after I criticized left-leaning policies. I ended up creating a new account out of my frustration. Now you're for free speech?

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