Dave Gerhardt's 1 line sales email

Imagine you run an exec coaching program.

Here’s the sales email Dave would send:

alt text

The goal is simple. Get a reply.

A reply gives you something to work with.

So how does Dave do that?

Keeps it short. Asks a question.

Much better than a hit and hope sales template asking for a “quick call”.

Watcha think?!

posted to Icon for group Sales
on August 15, 2020
  1. 1

    I like it but not on a first touch

  2. 1

    This is great! I noticed that the shorter and more direct the intention of the pitch is the better the response.

    Thoughts about branding? I think it makes or breaks the pitch itself.

  3. 1

    I’ve been testing a 9-word email format with warm
    lead or leads that have gone dormant. It’s been working to ignite conversations. Coupled with a short 2 word subject line I’ve been averaging a 50%+ open rate.

  4. 1

    A bit arrogant to get that email from someone you don't know. But I'm not a CEO so YMMV

    1. 1

      i agree. but no cold email is perfect

  5. 1

    Like it ! It sticks to the brain because its clear and accurate.
    Did you reply ? 😄

    1. 1

      never emailed it to me. but i probably would have

  6. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

    1. 1

      Yeah... Definitely no Hey CEO.

      CEO is just the template word. He'd definitely right Hey Juris

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