Did I get stuck?

Yesterday, for the first since March 15th, I have made no contributions. Did I get stuck in learning sales, thinking about growth, procrastination-mode? I spent a lot of time talking to people over the past few days. Being the only productive team member on my team, things do not progress forward without me doing work. And while I have seen positives with the recent launch of the subscriptions, there are a ton of features for me to build. What are the right things to focus on: Coding, community building, customer interactions, growth?

The things I want to tackle this week:

  • build out first version of Japanese -> English dictionary
  • outline Assessment As A Service
  • engage YouTubers
  • convert users into 10 more subscribers
  • sitemap creation (really SSR first)
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Daily Stand-up
on May 18, 2020
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