Employee culture and wellbeing platform

Hi Everyone,

I'm working as a design and frontend lead and while working I found a problem. The problem is we have so little employee engagement. We used to have alternative Friday lunch and learn sessions, and social drinks the other Friday. So I thought if I can come up with the employee culture + well-being app?

The platform will have your colleagues onboarded, The will be assigned to lunch and learn sessions randomly until the round is finished and every other Friday they will be invited for social drinks.

Also, there will be other features that include is every 1 hour ask employees to enter the hour's progress on what they are working on. Every 3o minutes ask them to stand up and stretch. Also will have lunch and learn session assigned automatically to someone in the company that will boost the culture also.

I also found that reporting to the manager became hard these days so I just figured out that wip.chat could be a thing to integrate in the platform. Employees can make the to-do list and post it to slack so that managers know what employees have been working on and what has been accomplished.

Let me know how does that sounds?


I've already started building it and looking to hear the opinions from you guys.

Would you use it for your company?
  1. Yes
  2. No
on September 11, 2020
  1. 1

    Two things. I said no because we already use lattice for this, and I do to know why hr picked it but it was a considered choice of a few vendors.

    The other is is hate to ask people for hourly updates as that feels a bit sweatshop like. Unless it’s a tool just for them to record private hourly updates to track their own progress.

  2. 1

    I'm missing a lot of context, so apologies if I get things wrong here. This is my first impression if it helps you flesh out what you want to build:

    This sounds like it does a lot of different things. Maybe too many things?

    The weekly lunch and learn sounds cool enough if it's something employees can opt in to. I wouldn't force people to present things..or is it stuff they are working on for the business? That would be cool for some roles but other roles maybe less so.

    The 30 min stretch reminders sounds a bit too...authoritarian?...for me. Same with hourly progress - that frequency would actually get in the way of me doing useful work and I'm not sure who would be reading these updates every hour anyway.

    I would step back to what you state is your goal - "employee engagement." What does that mean to you? What's the one thing that would improve it most? Might not even be something you build (probably won't be). I'd focus on doing whatever that one thing is.

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