Engineering Co-Found for Web App

Hey Fam!

Looking to bring on an engineering co-founder onto our current team of two. We are growth/product/operations and we want to fill out our team. We currently have a domain, website, product roadmap, but need someone to help us realize the vision and take it to the next level. I would love to discuss it in more detail if anyone is interested.

P.S. - the app is in the public health space

posted to Icon for group Looking to Partner Up
Looking to Partner Up
on June 1, 2020
  1. 1

    Sound good. I want to test this scripts for my service based website, you can see here https://jacobmartin.com/

  2. 1

    Hey @crmohseni. I am a Web Developer looking for similar opportunities. I live in New York and currently work as a Software Developer for Ebates. Would love to chat more and see if this would be a mutual fit. You can reach out to me at sivakp051@gmail.com.

  3. 1

    I am an engineering student studying mechanical and electrical engineering at uni of Bath and I just finished second year and I'm doing my year in the industry this coming year. I have experience in MATLAB , Python, LaTeX(I hear isn't too different from HTML) C and C++. This past year myself and a couple of other students made a project for social care technologies as part of a 4-month long competition, so I have experience in doing proper market research and considerations to make for the public health sector.
    Can I ask what the purpose of your web app is specifically?

  4. 1

    Type of your product? SaaS? Your location?

    1. 1

      Web App in Public Health. We are located in Los Angeles. You?

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