Feedback: A newsletter for work from home parents

Hello parents!

I am starting a newsletter for work from home parents and I would really love this awesome community's feedback!

Here is what you would get:

  • A weekly 5-minute email with 3 to 5 community resources
  • Tools for managing/teaching your kids at home
  • Tips for balancing work and parenting

What would YOU like to see in a weekly email? What sort of things would make you subscribe/unsubscribe? What sort of problems are you dealing with in balancing work and kids?

Here is the newsletter sign up:

Appreciate any feedback!

posted to Icon for group Indie Parents
Indie Parents
on May 31, 2020
  1. 2

    Hi Geoff,

    This is a great idea.

    If you're not already in this Telegram group, you should definitely join.


    1. 1

      Thanks Kieran! I will check it out

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