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Get Better Sleep — Feeling Fresh, Fully Charged in the Morning

Not having enough sleep weakens us, physically and mentally!

I haven't had those mornings when waking up, feeling fresh and energetic, in a long time.

Right after waking up, I already feel tired. Not the kind of foggy feeling after wake up. It's just tired. It gets better after noontime —  when I started to feel fully awake and more energetic.

Even though I followed common recommendations like avoid having coffee after 1 PM, keep low light in the bedroom, stay away from the computer x hours before sleep, etc… It just couldn't help

Though, it has changed. Over a week ago, I moved to another bedroom, which closer to the main street. Accidentally, I started to have much better sleep.

Here is what I realized:

Deep Sleep is Just as Important

When you are in deep sleep, your energy, tissues and bones will start to recover. It also strengthening the immune system.

In the past, I often awake out of sudden, and getting back to sleep right after. Mostly because of cars, trucks, or other noises. And these sudden wakes prevent me from going deeper into sleep.

In the new bedroom, it was noisier and hard to sleep. So I started using earplugs. I realized that earplugs reduce those noises, prevent sudden wakes.

Keep the Temperature Less Cool Than Needed

Science said sleeping in a cold room may be better for your health.

Though, in a cold environment, our body will need the energy to keep warm. No scientific proof, but I think our body will use a good amount of energy overnight in a cold room.

There was no air condition in the new bedroom, so I use a fan when needed. That helped me waking up not feel like having a cold.

To have quality sleep, you not only need 8 hours, but also a deep sleep. Many important recovery and processes only happen when you are in deep sleep.

In case you're not feeling fresh after waking up, find out what prevents you from having a deep sleep. Also, mind the room temperature so your body won't waste extra energy to keep you warm.

posted to Icon for group Self Care
Self Care
on August 29, 2020
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