Google went down earlier today

submitted this link to Icon for group News
on December 14, 2020
  1. 4


    I searched "Google" on Google.

    I broke it.

  2. 4

    My wifi went down in the last 10 minutes... am i... google? 🧐

  3. 2

    Looks like the services have been restored.

  4. 2

    This is pretty insane, not just one, but basically all of the services.

  5. 2

    I think they are out hard drive space, it been leading to this for awhile.

  6. 1

    All I could think about was, I promised this newsletter at 7am wtf do I do now... lol

  7. 1

    Just updated the title, as everything seems to be back now.

  8. 1

    Well that explains a lot

    The bigger they are....

  9. 1

    Updating infrastructure, so after 12/31/2020, it's back to 1/1/2020 as everyone is expecting!

  10. 1

    This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

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