Having Goals about Habits you want to STOP

Usually, I make goals about what im going to do, how im going to improve, etc. but neglect that the way I can grow and become better is NOT doing something. Breaking bad habits and changing my life for the better.

I was thinking about starting a platform that can help you identify your bad habits and help you overcome them. There seems to be too many todo list apps and many seem mundane, but what about his different approach? A Not-Todo List.

posted to Icon for group Ideas and Validation
Ideas and Validation
on June 2, 2020
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    blind spots are called blind spots because you don't even really know that they are there.

    same with bad habits... oftentimes, bad habits feel and look "good" from many angles... but, we've (over) justified their existence.

    this is really interesting.

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      Agreed, Great input

      1. 1

        please keep me posted on this.

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    Hey, I’ve tried to create just that and have a few paying users - a site to help form positive habits, break unhelpful ones, and improve your productivity based on neuroscience.

    Check it out and let me know what you think - https://getyourganize.com

    We’re you thinking of something similar?

    1. 2

      Looks interesting! I was thinking of something that is more focused on habits and battling your bad habits, which I guess is possible with yourganize! Thanks for this tip!

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