Hey Founders: what tools are you using to help you sell?

Hello everyone!

Would love to hear from founders that are working in the b2b space what kind of tools they're using to help them be good sales people or sell well or just manage their opportunities (anything other than your CRM).


posted to Icon for group Growth
on May 31, 2020
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    We are in an old school industry, so things are probably a lot different than most IndieHackers.

    We have a full time sales person. This individual is constantly calling cold and following up on warm leads. Most of our sales happen over the phone. Below is our sales stack.

    Grasshopper- Phone tool to direct calls to the right place.
    Phone Burner- Allows our sales team to call efficiently.
    HubSpot-Tracks everything
    Zapier- Glues these tools together
    Typeform-collects user feedback.

    1. 1

      Cool this is interesting.

      What industry?

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    Het Omar, I am recently coding my own IG bot for sales. I enter the filters to target my audience - location, hashtag, followers etc & my bot automatically engages with them & sends them personal DM.

    It's still in testing mode. Once we are sure it works perfectly, we are going to make it live.

    1. 1

      ooo that sounds interesting!

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    @ProcessLogicOmar good thread!

    LinkedIn is my major place for multiple purposes: Launch, awareness, deep conversation with the prospect

    Other than that, my team and I use Hubspot, Airtable and Zapier to facilitate further process

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      How have you found the Zapier experience?

      1. 1

        Powerhouse! I use it for all my startups and projects.

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    If you're doing a lot of outbound via cold-emailing, apollo.io is a pretty useful tool. They combine a huge database of (potential) prospects and the entire outbound sequencing in one. Ends up saving a bunch of time.

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      Neat!! IM checking this out

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    I use my own tool to sell my tool. Pubb.at

    How it works is I create a community around my product.. Community is the best thing a startup can have. It gives you unlimited feedback loop and improves the relationship between the product and the users.

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      Awesome landing page.

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        ppl cant really tell what exactly it is

      2. 1

        you think so? I think its not very good. It's too vague. dont u think?

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          Seems like a way to manage your own community. Since your product is still in development, vague landing pages are fine. As long as it captures the user.

          1. 2

            lol I am glad u got it right haha. Its a platform to allow community builders to chat and discuss. ATM this is my positioning.. It changes over time

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