🔥 Hotclient - Track your trial users and discover new customers for your SaaS products

Hi guys,
today I decided to release the first version of the landing page for our new side-project: Hotclient

What do you think about this side-project?

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Landing Page Feedback
on December 18, 2019
  1. 3

    I'm not a fan of the value prop. "Your trial users are hot? " sounds a bit too... not kosher? it's also incorrect grammar I think. It'd make more sense if it was "Are your trial users hot?"

    Cool idea though! Is this similar to Hotjar?

    1. 1

      Thank you for the correction, I updated the landing page :)
      Actually, every text is under test, so I hope to update it soon.

      Hotjar give you the ability to see how your users use the website.
      The goal of Hotclient is misure how much your trial users interact with your product to allow the sales team to concentrate on users that could be customers.

      Do you have any feedback about possibile features?

  2. 2

    @00taffe Pain point that is being resolved is not too clear in messaging. Ideally, using some common words that the audience can relate with and connect with, will be useful.

    1. 1

      Yes, exactly. Sure, there may be some value in using headlines that are meant to catch your site visitor's eye, but if the rest of the page doesn't explain the product at all, then your customers will just be left confused.

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