How best to use $500 per month on marketing?

I've been spending around $500 per month on paid ads, Google and Microsoft (top tip - Microsoft Ads are much better value). I'm relatively pleased with their performance but I'd really like to try and redeploy my marketing 'budget' somewhere else for a few months to experiment.

What do you suggest?

The only requirement I have is, it has to be low touch (this is why paid ads have been working so far). I have very little time for my side-project and I'd much rather spend my time doing other things.

For context, it's for Gaggle Mail (https://gaggle.email), a B2C group email platform, doing around 5K in MRR.

One thing I've found is https://www.whalepages.com/ (WhalePages: SaaS Marketing & Growth Hacking Agency) - anyone had any experience with them?

on October 11, 2019
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    Hi Simon,

    If you have found channels that work for you (google ads / msft ads) then my suggestion would be to stick to what it works. I am sure that this might not be what you were looking for but I think it's the best use of your money!

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    Spend it on content marketing.

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    Have you spent much time with social ads and content marketing? I also wouldn't completely give up on what's working!

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    You can find people to do content marketing link post guest blogs and give links to your site from many websites. Most of these would be sponsored posts. I found some success through peopleperhour.com.

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    I would look at other paid ad networks that target different audiences and just divert 20% of your budget to test them out.

    • LinkedIn ads
    • buysellads
    • Reddit

    And a shameless plug, I just started selling ads in newsletters. Happy to do a lot of the heavy lifting for you to try newsletters. We can try a new newsletter ad each month. And ramp up if you get results. Or ramp down if you dont.

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    It wouldn't be low-touch at first, but if there's any blogs or newsletters or other sites in your space you could try to track down some that have ad space within your budget and reach out to them.

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    Hi Simon :) My name is Sterling and I'm with WhalePages. Thanks for mentioning us in the post! Appreciate it.

    If you'd like, I'd be happy to chat. In fact, I'm online right now and you can reach me by activating the chat widget on the site. Just ask for me.

    We've designed our growth boxes to be low touch and we focus exclusively on SaaS. We don't focus on paid ads at all because we've found results kind of hit or miss.

    In fact if you're thinking about experimenting with your marketing budget right now I suggest you check out these two posts to get a better feel for what marketing channels have worked (or not worked) for other SaaS founders:

    SaaS founders tell us their BEST marketing channels

    SaaS founders tell us their WORST marketing channels

    At WhalePages we focus more on creative partner acquisitions to create permanent new sources of referral traffic to your site and help give your SEO campaign a boost.

    We need some leverage to be able to do this, but luckily most SaaS companies have this type of leverage built-in (i.e. helpful blogs, free access to paid plans, helpful online tools etc). This helps us better negotiate with potential partners. We can talk more about those details over chat or the phone if you wish :)


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    My personal suggestion would be to echo what others have said - if you’ve found something that works, stay with it.

    I also would be pretty careful about a “growth hacking” agency, unless they have a pretty solid reputation and track record of success. Always think twice about jargon.

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    Would love to help you promote Gaggle Mail on careermove.io. I have ~4,000 email subscribers and 730 registered users.

    The audience is mostly entrepreneurs who are hungry for new and affordable tools.

    I can send you more details if you are interested.

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      @emekaonu Career move looks interesting. I have a startup studio called CodeVentures.com , which I use side hustles to people for a mix of equity/money. DM me to figure out how to cooperate.

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