How I started getting 400% more inbound leads on LinkedIn with one simple tactics.

Did you launch B2B services or products recently?

Then you know how hard it is to get warm leads when you just started.
Especially if you, like me, were not an influencer before.

But I finally found a way to get from 20 to 100 profile views/day in 90 days.


More LinkedIn profile views mean more inbound requests and conversations.

For my recent product - Norns AI - LinkedIn seemed to me the best channel to start getting leads. I also tried cold emailing, but the results were much worse.

So I started doing direct outreach to relevant leads + posted some content.
(A/B testing for messages, iterations every week included)

Although some people responded to me daily, they weren't too warm, so after a few messages, most of them disappeared.

I felt exhausted, but one observation triggered me:
Those who reached out to me themselves tended to become customers.

So, in addition to outreach, I decided to add one important thing: regular and consistent commenting (at least 20 comments a day).

Yes, that's an obvious thing to do, isn't it?

It is.

But there were three important things about the posts I commented on:

  • ONLY about a relevant topic ("cold email" for me)
  • ONLY posted during last 24h
  • ONLY more than 20 likes.

The first two things could be done using LinkedIn Search:

  1. Search for your topic
  2. Choose "Posts" only
  3. Select "Past 24hr" for filter "Date posted"


That's it.
As a result, I had a list of posts about your topic posted by everyone recently.

One thing: I didn't need everyone.
I needed only popular posts posted by niche influencers (side quest: to identify them).

That's necessary for my comments there to be noticed by a large number of people.

Here Phantombuster helps.
LinkedIn Search Export, to be precise.

So I provided a search query for those posts there and collected 200 posts.
(I could collect even 1000 posts daily, but I wouldn't be able to comment on them anyway)


(Other steps/settings there are quite obvious)

After that I:

  1. exported CSV.
  2. uploaded it to Google Sheets.
  3. filtered our posts with less than 20 likes.


I finally had only posts, worthy to comment on.

After that, I just walked across the links to the posts and left comments.

The template was something like:

*"Thanks for sharing, {firstName}!

P.S. {one sentence of personal thought about a specific detail in the post, which would add extra value}"*

I was short of time, so I didn't want to get involved in long discussions. At this scale, I couldn't support and track all of them properly.

Some days later I felt exhausted from writing all the comments manually (but it was great training, believe me).

So I just created an extra feature for Norns AI - generating some comment options for a specific post.

In most cases it worked fine automatically:


After that, I noticed a steady growth in profile views with conversion to warm leads.

It works even better if you:

  1. Have filled and relevant LinkedIn profile page
  2. Still do outreach to the same audience, involved in your topic

Give it a try!

P.S. I also have similar tactics for Twitter. Let me know if you're interested in it - I'll write another post.

Do not hesitate to ask in the comments 👇

on August 29, 2022
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    Hey @Holger What an amazing tip, thanks for sharing. I confess that this is the first time I see an alternative to exporting posts. It really is much easier to find quality content to comment.

    One question, do you know an alternative tool (That export posts in .csv) for PhantomBuster? It is an incredible tool, however the price of the starter is high for an individual user.

    Ps. I am already following you. Great hacks.

    1. 1


      You can do all this using Phantombuster for free (they provide 10 mins of free processing time daily)

      When it comes to scale there is a cheaper alternative - TexAu

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