How I went from 0 to 1.5k Traffic + 188 signups in 30 days with my first-ever landing page.


Before I started this new SAAS journey, I always thought signup pages were complete BS and not worthwhile. BOY, was I wrong. I've never done such a quick U-turn in my entire life...

30 Days ago I decided WTF, I'll create a landing page and maybe see if a few people are interested - either way, I was still going to create my product.

Just to be clear, I have since created over 5 landing pages based on the original. However, I went back to the original around 15 days ago and made it super simple and barebone - which currently converts at around 12-15%.

30 days in and I have hit 1.5k traffic and 188 signups to my BETA testing stage. I am amazed.

How did I get traffic?

All the traffic is organic. 80% is Indiehackers. You lovely people have made my SAAS business come to life. (https://www.spreadtech.online/)

How did I get so many of you onboard? Content.

I don't promote Spread, ever. I create content that encapsulates something that many of you can relate to, and include Spread sprinkled within it. (Like I'm doing in this post).

Many of you would then click this link and wallah I was getting on average 5 signups per day.

Considering Indie/small online businesses is my target market, you guys ate it up. I can't wait to help all of you guys out. BIG time.

My landing page strategy?

(I'm not an expert, barley an amateur as you'll probably be able to tell!)

As I said, I have made 5 iterations of my first landing page. Each was grander than the last. Which only equated in less and less signups.

I go into much more detail in my most popular IH post here: https://www.indiehackers.com/post/i-made-5-landing-pages-deleted-everything-went-back-to-basics-and-saw-the-highest-signup-rate-fe6ba86a7e

I stripped my landing page down to the bare minimum as you'll see now: https://www.spreadtech.online/

Straight to the point. NO BS.

Big value proposition. What the product actually does. A diagram. Signup form.

Simple. In my naive opinion, this is the best approach. But it will obviously depend on your product and customer.

What will I do next?

As soon as Spread is fully built (July), with the help of a professional landing page designer/web app designer I will create the perfect landing page and web app design. (If you know one, then please tag them below).

When that is created I will also be sharing reports and what I've learned to help you guys out some more :)

TBH I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for you guys. I have made so many posts asking for help with my LP, and everyone has had constructive comments on it. This was my little give back present.

My new goal is 250 by the end of June (ready for the BETA launch). Spread is currently free to use if you sign up now. But eventually, it will be payment blocked.

If you've read this far down then I have two questions for you:

  1. What are you working on?
  2. How are you getting users signed up?

Thank you for reading :)

posted to Icon for group Landing Page Feedback
Landing Page Feedback
on June 3, 2020
  1. 2

    I don't promote Spread, ever. I create content that encapsulates something that many of you can relate to, and include Spread sprinkled within it. (Like I'm doing in this post).

    Where can I find your content?

    And, btw, it's still promotion :)))

    1. 1

      My content?

      Such as my blogs and social media content? or do you mean my IH content?

      And yes It is promotion, but a lil disguised!!! hahaha

      1. 2

        I don't know. You say "I create content" - and I'm asking where do you publish it?

        1. 1

          Ahh yes! My content is posted on Indiehackers. medium and Twitter.

          Medium - https://medium.com/@spreaduk.app

          Twitter - https://twitter.com/SoftwareSpread

          IH page - https://www.indiehackers.com/LouTromans (top highlights)

          1. 2

            Thanks, I will check it.

  2. 2

    Love your landing page! Simple, concise, and to the point. I signed up. The "sign up by June 7" for a free lifetime licence won me over!

    1. 1

      I was hoping it would!! hahaha thankyou

      How do you think the product will actually help you most?

      1. 2

        I'm a content creator and I struggle with the "Grind" of trying to grow on multiple platforms. I hope this will help me!

        1. 1

          I will make sure it does help you - and many more.

          Solopreneurs and content creators are the ones who will benefit most from this.

          Thank you so much for your input! :)

  3. 2

    Hey! Great story!

    You could eeeasyly try out our tool to improve your conversion rate, and get some real value. You can use it for free for a full experiment at https://abtesting.ai :)


    1. 2

      I'll take a look, thankyou!!!

  4. 2

    Interesting. For me personally, I get the value prop but there is literally nothing about the 'how'. I guess most ppl don't care as much but I need to know how you're going to do something before moving forward.

    1. 1

      Yeah, soon there will be explainer videos to show EXACTLY how it will be done!

      Thank you so much for your feedback!

  5. 2

    Love the simplicity @LouTromans.
    Do you have any advice on how to drive traffic to your landing pace once you are satisfied with it?

    1. what I'm working in: do you have a 401k/IRA/403b/529/etc? how did you decide which investments to choose? If you haven't thought about it over a year or have all of your money in a target-date fund, chances are my tool is for you.
    2. we are working with investors and financial advisors in our professional network, for now, so we have a personal relationship with every customer (doing the things that don't scale as we learn what works)
  6. 2

    Working on a Superhuman for task management :) https://mytaskhero.com/
    We've got all new users from asking for referrals from our current power users.

    1. 2

      That's great, what differentiates your product from others?

      1. 2

        You can create a task with a "wake up" time in under 10 seconds from anywhere on chrome.
        It helps you focus on one task at a time.

        1. 2

          Sounds very inventive... all the best to you!

  7. 2

    This is a great idea! Content curation and formatting is key.

    1. 1

      Thank you so much. Much appreciated!

      Is this something that you yourself would use? Or are you saying it's a great idea for somebody else?

      1. 2

        I signed up! I would use this for sure.

        1. 1

          Thanks so much Sparky!

          If you have any content channels e.g youtube/podcast/blog then please send me a link, I'd love to follow you on them and see how I can best help you!

  8. 2

    This is a nice post Louis, and nice how much sign ups you have! You could even go a step further and put up a pricing table on your page. Once they click on the CTA tell them you're not ready to sell yet but they can sign up for launch.

    I'm currently working on https://targetaudience.app. I use the same technique you do. I try to give real feedback here and post some articles. This creates quite some traffic as well on my website.

    1. 1

      Thank you mate, that means so much to me!

      I'm scared that if I put up pricing, nobody will signup :( Also I have no idea what to charge or anything yet.

      When I launch I am going to do something very similar to that though yes!

      I've just signed up to targetaudience - looking forward to using it later :)

      1. 2

        I can imagine that it sounds scary, I'd the same feeling haha. However, it can be the ultimate test case if people are willing to pay for it!

        And thanks for signing up! I am in a similar position as you are. I don't know what business model I'm gonna use and what to charge yet. I'm looking for a way to find business model fit. I'll let you know when I found some ;-)

        1. 1

          PLEASE let me know if you find a business model that works! :D

          I'm going to reach 200 signups and then I'm going to change it from

          "Free account for life"


          "Limited time BETA account"

          and then after launch start charging/begging ;)

          1. 2

            Scarcity always works well. People are lazy and not very decisive. Creating an offer that you need to take NOW or it will be gone will get them into action mode. And make it specific as well! "Only 24 hours left" sound even better than "Limited time".

            1. 1

              Agreed, specifics are always more powerful than general terms

              I will use that on my next landing page. Thank you!

  9. 2

    This is great @LouTromans. Looking forward to seeing SpreadTech evolve.

    1. As you know I am working on Startup Sanctuary.
    2. I am also employing content creation and community building in order to create value and get people interested in what I am building.

    Great to see this working so well for you!

    1. 2

      Startup sanctuary is an ideal product (that may depend) on community to thrive. You seem like the perfect person to bring community to your product though, as you're very engaging on IH... I can see this being a starting hub for startup founders

      Looking forward to seeing startup sanctuary grow and expand.

      1. 2

        Thanks very much @LouTromans. Appreciate your kind words. Building an initial community and providing value is the focus right now for sure.

        1. 2

          Keep us posted with how you're doing this and your results! :D

          1. 2

            Absolutely my man.

  10. 2

    (First ever landing page re-made 5 times)

    Traffic also came from Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook. Primarily signups were from Indiehackers, like u! :D

  11. 2

    This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

    1. 1

      Over the past few months, I have seen a huge number of content repurposing/creation apps pop up overnight.

      Such as Wavve, Listenrr, Hypefury and many more.

      I think this is the beginning of a new wave of content creation/marketing.

      I'm happy to see competition pop up - it gives my product more validation and opens more people's eyes to the value of content repurposing.

      Thank you for your amazing comment, have you signed up yet? ;)

      1. 2

        This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

        1. 1

          If I am able to pull off this project? - Why do you say this? :D

          Genuinely just interested, I'm taking it as a compliment tbh!

          (I feel the same way hahahaha)

          1. 1

            This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

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