How to overcome your crippling fear of failure

If you're like me, you are terrified of the thought that people will see right through your project and rightly call it a failure. They will also look at you and say you don't belong at the table.

I want you to save the original Amazon website as your wallpaper. Fully appreciate the piece of crap for what it was. Let it motivate you to take your crappy project and shove it down peoples' throats like Bezos did back in 1995.

And make them ask for seconds. Good luck.

posted to Icon for group Self Care
Self Care
on December 9, 2021
  1. 2
    • Know you’re not alone, everyone suffering. Suffer well.
    • Get rejected as many time as possible in sth that won’t hurt you as much.
    • It’s not personal, don’t get angry. It’s just life..
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    I don't care if others call it a failure. Life is just a GAME. I'm the only one who will the right to say how I want to spend my time. No matter what I do, I do it for maximizing my contribution to this world. So that one day on my death bed, I will never regret what I do for my life.

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    I can only say this... Imagine you try to play the lottery. The chances of winning are 1 to
    a gazillion... however there is a VERY tiny chance that you could be the winner. If you do not play, then there is NO chance to win.

    Same thing here... :)

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      There is this joke about a guy praying to god every day to win the lottery. After a couple decades of constant nagging god finally breaks, comes down to Earth and says to the guy "Could you please please at least buy a fucking lottery ticket so I can do my job?"

    2. 1

      I'd add that achieving success from your project has far higher chance than winning the lottery.

      It also depends on what 'success' means for you.


      DHH explains this well in his talk

      your chances of hitting a $100 billion dollars, might be low
      your chances of hitting an amount of revenue sufficient to quit your day job? not that shabby

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