How we solved time-tracking and invoicing at Karma. We built our own Slack bot for that.

At some point, we added time-tracking to Karma. Then decided that it clashes with the main objective of the app. Forked the bot, re-named it to Time, made it cheap and put it out there. It was built over the weekend as an extra feature for Karma, it took another week to polish it as a stand-alone product and get through Slack approval process.

Nowadays, https://timebot.chat is on full auto-pilot. 1 out of 7 teams convert. It pays for itself and replaces time-tracking and invoicing at Karma production team. That alone saved us $1.5k/y, we unsubscribed from third-party billing and time-tracking software. On top of that, Time earns $267.75/mo now and it growth (slowly) organically day by day.

posted to Icon for group Money
on March 28, 2020
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