I just reverted my app back to 100% free

I decided to revert Timestamps back to free for everyone. At this point, it's clear to me that the problem I chose to solve is not a suitable problem to start a business around.

  • DJs are not required to make timestamps tracklists in most cases
  • Most DJs do not need to do this too frequently
  • The task does not take a ton of time to do manually if need be

Making timestamped tracklists is absolutely not DJs top #1 problem. Maybe top 10. Probably not even top 5.

Ultimately, making it free and growing a wider userbase and audience will be more valuable to me than the $50/month I can make from charging for it.

It feels great to make it free again. When I started, I just wanted to make a free useful tool for the DJ world. Trying to monetize was a fun learning journey, but in my heart, it really did pain me to see all the people that hit the paywall and stopped right there, even though they obviously had a problem I could help them with. I'm glad that that doesn't need to happen anymore.

It gets better. I'm not charging for it anymore, but I'm also not losing money through it. I'm breaking even.

My business customer generously agreed to keep paying enough to cover the site costs every month, even though they would be able to use it free of charge. This is party due to the good relationship I've developed with them. It's also because they have come to rely on my product, and would be inconvenienced if it were to cease to exist. So they're willing to help pay for it to stay running.

✅My original goal: make a free, useful app that people get value out of.
✅My original reach goal: Do that, AND find some way to break even.

This is where I'll leave the project. Quietly, sustainably, running in the background. I won't put more time into growth or marketing efforts. Begging people to use it isn't fun anymore, so I just won't do it. Maybe it won't grow, but that's fine- I don't need it to.

To the next thing!

posted to Icon for group Growth
on August 4, 2020
  1. 3

    Congrats on all the learning, and thanks for sharing Mark. Good luck with whatever's next!

  2. 1

    Thanks for sharing the lessons! You have a great perspective on this.

    1. 1

      No prob! Happy to share :)

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