I made how-to video for $0 this way. What is your method?

Hi Hackers!
As we all know, how-to videos increases conversion and activation on your website. Your users know what they can do with your product before they sign up and they quicker set up their account to solve their problem.

Yesterday, I have decided to make my own video to boost my product.

I have used:
👉 quick time player -> to record my screen
👉 https://figma.com -> to make pictures with subtitles that lands in my video
👉 https://www.bensound.com -> theme sounds for free
👉 iMovie -> joined it all together

This is the result:

It is not perfect but it is something. And I want to do better.

Do you know any other methods for making how-to videos?

posted to Icon for group Growth
on July 3, 2020
  1. 2

    Very nice! I definitely get what your tool does after watching that video and it only took 1:16. One little feedback is it's a bit fast? Perhaps that's okay because the goal isn't to show "how to do it" but "what it does". And it definitely did that.

    I'm actually working on a hybrid motivator/explainer video myself. Using iMovie at the moment but wanted to try out fellow hacker's @photawe tool as it looks way more convenient, albeit being on Windows so I had to find my Surface book.

    1. 1

      Thanks for replay! I will definitely check this app out! :)

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      This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

  2. 1

    Very youtube-tutorial-ey but not too bad for a beginner (probably better than I can do so don't take this to heart). How long did it take you?

    1. 1

      Thanks for good words!
      It took me about 5 hours, so not too long. Do you have any ideas how can I do better?

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        This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

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          Yea, the screenshots was the longest part I think. Thanks for the app suggestion. Unfortunately, Windows is a limitation, but I will try to deal with that. I am doing a research about apps that help with making videos, so if I choose your app, I will get back to you.

          1. 1

            This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

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