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Indie Hackers helped me get my first customer

About a week ago, I posted on IH to roast my landing page (link here: https://www.indiehackers.com/post/a30ad2e5f2). I got some feedback on the design of the page but I also got some feedback that really struck a chord. Nobody could actually understand what my startup did. The ma

submitted this link on June 4, 2019
  1. 1

    I would change up your H1 and H2

    Fast, Simple, Secure - but why? What is it?

    Pipefile enables streamlined collection of personal, financial, and otherwise sensitive documents to keep your business moving -> I would redo this to be more to the point.

    'Collect sensitive documents from your clients. Fast, simple, secure. Stop Chasing Client Documents'

    Something like that.

    'Stop Chasing Client Documents' is way more powerful that 'Fast, Simple, Secure'

    Also I would put 3-5 use cases. Attorney. Tax consultant, what other jobs need client docs?

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