Intrest in A Copywriting Bot?

How many of you hate writing copy for hours for your websites...?

Hi there, I am in the process of developing a copywriting bot that would automatically write all of the copy you could ever need. This software would use an AI model to write perfect copy better than a human could. I was reaching out today to see if there would be any interest in something like this. Thanks!!

To work the software all you need to do is add a “starter sentence“ to tell the model what the basic topic is that you’re writing about.

posted to Icon for group Ideas and Validation
Ideas and Validation
on May 18, 2020
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    I'm actually familiar with both copywriting and ai and I can't see how this can be done effectively. Maybe by a super smart team at Google but for a startup? Seems unlikely.

    If you do nail this, however, then that would be a huge product with applications in other fields like email. Anything you can share on how you would achieve "good copywriting"?

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      Hey I have done a lot of research/building in the past week. And I was wondering if you would like to test out what I have so far.

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        Sure! DM me on Twitter (link in profile)

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      yeah, I am building my own model which generates coherent paragraphs of text. I have used it in the past to write different articles and blog posts. And so far in my testing, I am liking the results.

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        What are those results? Are you measuring engagement metrics against any benchmarks?

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          Yeah I used to have a blog on Covid at myvirusrisk.com but every article I wrote with the bot got more hits than a post I Wrote.

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            What do you mean by "hits"? And is your benchmark against your personal writing? Comparing something to one person's writing isn't a reliable benchmark. Ideally, you'd want to compare it to the results from a large sample size of professionally written content.

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    Hey, I'm an advertising copywriter learning to code, and would love to discuss about it.

    To me, the greatest challenge is how to make the text outstanding, not coherent. How to make it shine.

    How do you make it?

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      hey, yeah I would love to talk more, do you have an email I can grab you at.

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        you can find me at contato[at]tarrask.com

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