iOS Developer, Health-tech.

iOS Dev here, I really would like to work on something in the field!

posted to Icon for group Looking to Partner Up
Looking to Partner Up
on June 1, 2020
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    How about in travel-tech?

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      let's chat! open for anything cool, just probed the health-tech community here! My contact info is in my profile;

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    Hi Andrian! Do you have an area of health tech in mind? We are an intimacy wellness app to help couples with kids feel more like lovers and less like roommates. We have a no-code prototype live at the moment and already have a few paying monthly subscriptions! Looking for someone with mobile app development background to join the founding team and take it to the next level. Here is our role posting: https://go.getgilly.com/tech-lead

    Drop me a message if you want to have a chat!

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      thanks for reaching out!

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