Many multiplayer games have voice chat such as: CSGO, PUBG, Fortnite etc. League of Legends does not, so I made a prototype at Is this a worthwhile idea? Or does is not provide any value as players could just create a discord group every game and invite their teammates?
How it works:
The user enters their in-game username, they then get redirected to a voice chat dedicated to his team. His teammates will also get redirected to this voice chat.
It isn't very polished yet, there are issues when it runs in the background for example.
You need a stronger value prop to unseat discord. And the thing is, whenever someone shares a discord in champ select, no one joins. I don't think voice chat for LoL will take off unless Riot implements it themselves, which they probably won't since the community is absolutely toxic.
I agree, from personal experience people tend not want to join voice chat (they may not have a mic or be insecure). However, I think that this might have some potential at a higher rank (which I am not at); since they are much more focused on winning and are trying to get the edge on their opponents. I think it's worth giving a try at marketing a bit.
Haha from personal experience I can tell you that the worst trolls are at Diamond 4, it's an absolute hellscape. But perhaps at Master/GM+ it could be useful.
Will this lower the friction to start a voice chat compared to Discord? Whenever I game, I use Discord, but it's usually with people I know.
I think if it were widely known and people didn't need to ask their teammates to join it would, as people would join a voice chat without even inviting their teammates. However currently, it just saves you having to setup a discord group.
Well, this can be useful when you launch a random game. BUT the other players also need to join the chat.
They can if they go to the website and enter their username, they are put in the same chat as their teammates automatically.
I completely agree with you. I don't think voice chat for LoL will take off unless Riot implements it themselves, which they probably won't since the community is absolutely toxic. We all know that LOL isn't easy at all to play, moreover, to achieve the highest ranks. There are many boost services but one of the best which I tried, it is the boosteria service from They have the cheapest prices than others and they work fast when I bought a package from them.