Let's NOT follow each other on [enter_social_media_here]

This post is an answer to all the "Let's follow each other on ..." threads.

What's the point of following someone that's probably not sharing the same interest as you? What do you really know about the content of the person you are following?

I mean, if someone follows you but doesn't engage with your content at all, it will just sound like fake followers. You will increase your followers, but you won't improve your engagement rate:

  • If 100 people follow you and 25 comments on your post, 25% of your followers are enjoying your content.
  • If 1000 people follow you and only 25 comments, it's a 2.5% rate.

Quality over Quantity or Quantity over Quality?

For me, the answer is pretty simple. Let's not follow each other for no valid reasons! If I follow someone, you can be sure that I am genuinely curious about his content.

I don't want to sound harsh at all,I'm just that like Mick, I don't get the point.

posted to Icon for group Growth
on May 30, 2020
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    These threads are so popular because it's a quick and easy way to expand your follower-base.

    I developed Followchain for this sole reason.

    Here's the tricky part — you can't just follow everyone.

    In order to maintain/increase your engagement rates, you'll have to follow people within your niche.

    That's why it's better to make a requirement for users to write up a short description of themselves or the content they post (the next time someone comes up with a similar thread). This acts as a key differentiator where you can easily find people or content that genuinely interests you.

    1. 1

      Hey Lim,

      I appreciate that you took some time to answer :)

      In order to maintain/increase your engagement rates, you'll have to follow people within your niche.

      I totally agree with that point! And that's why I think you have a great product

      [...]share your Instagram username & tell us a bit about yourself. Then follow users who interest you

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