Looking for technical cofounder

We are two cofounders looking for an additional cofounder on the technical side of things. Both of us currently cover all aspects of marketing, branding, design (both brand and product), copywriting as well as have some experience with front-end dev.

We’re looking to build a project management tool that is more human.

Sounds like something you'd want to be a part of? Please reach out to me either here or via my email (in my profile).

Excited to build something that will be both useful and

posted to Icon for group Looking to Partner Up
Looking to Partner Up
on June 1, 2020
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    Hi Damien. Would like to chat and hear further about your idea. My email is alex@superglue.nz

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      Hi Alex, thanks so much for reaching out. Unfortunately we found someone already. All the best!

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    Hi Damien, the idea sounds interesting but I would love to know more! Maybe we can link up and talk about it some more :)
    Just drop me an email if you are interested: julian@columbus-internet.com

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      Hi Julian, thanks for your answer! Are you a development studio? We're more looking for individuals at this stage. Let me know!

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        Hi Damien, technically you could count it as a dev studio, yes. We have worked together with various start-ups already, where our boss has taken the CTO or CPO role to get a product online. After that, we help you to build your own internal development team that can take over from us. Let me know if that sounds interesting for you!

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          Thanks for clarifying Julian. In this particular case we were more looking for an individual rather than a startup studio. I'll keep you in mind in case any other need arises. All the best!

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