My favourite landing page formula.

submitted this link to Icon for group Growth
on December 15, 2020
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    Heya. I realised yesterday that sooo many good landing pages follow this simple formula.

    So I annotated some examples. If you're a bit lost making landing pages I think if you follow this (at least above the fold) you won't go too far wrong.

    Any questions, I'll be in the comments :)

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      The headline format is interesting, basically:

      [verb] [object] [a word that has to do with making something faster/easier/cheaper i.e. instant gratification).

      "Change" = verb
      "someone's life" = object
      "today" = quantifier (do something fast)

      Even the second example, can be re-formulated as:
      "You'll love" = verb
      "a smile" = object
      "for less than $3/day" = quantifier (do something cheap)

      Thanks Harry, I'm helping with writing a landing page right now so this kind of advice comes really handy.

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    Thanks Harry, great post.

    How do you think they arrived at such a visually similar style? Are they all using the same popular theme / site builder? Or are they coping some other popular example? I mean even the colours and fonts.

    When I see this aesthetic style on one site, I associate it with the quality and established of others. Like a fashion trend. Great way to signal quality and credibility.

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    I've noticed this too. Great analysis. I've been wondering where to find some great landing page templates like this. Either Wordpress or html.

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      Cheers Tobe. Landing Folio is pretty handy. I'm also putting together some nice components for a new article :)

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    This or that moment,
    I saw this tweet a few days ago: https://twitter.com/Julian/status/1337831019546779649

    Which method wins?

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      I think one is a subset of the other. Julian’s post focuses on the subtitle section of the main value prop. Combining the two should make for a killer landing page.

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      So, Julian's observation works best for the subtitle section. Or whatever you're writing beneath your title.

      My “formula” is broader: title, subtitle, image, social proof, CTA.

      So both can work simultaneously. But also it's not black and white. There's 100 ways to layout a landing page. Just highlighting one which is pretty fool proof.

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        Okay so OBVIOUSLY this doesn't work for everyone, I just visited

        • Lyft
        • UberEats
        • AirBNB

        They don't do this, so I think your method works for companies that aren't very 'public' - or less known to say the least..

        I mean also Intercom...they think outside the box

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