My lockdown project is complete!

Hey everyone, long time lurker here but only just made an account as ive finally finished my lockdown project and am looking for some feedback.

You can find it here: https://exodiafitness.com

It is a fitness application that allows you to connect your fitbit, monitor your weight and water intake, plan workouts, follow programs and also track your exercise progression.

I have been working on this for around 6 months now and am very proud to finally be launching it. Any criticism is welcome so please dont hold back :)

posted to Icon for group Feedback
on September 26, 2020
  1. 2

    Hey William,

    Your app looks beautiful, wonderful job! I wear my fitbit 24/7 and love tracking my data. Since all this covid craziness, I've moved to working out from home and I'm sure I'm not the only one! I'm always looking for new things to do. I subscribe to fightcamp and peloton currently.

    Here is some quick feedback.

    When signing up it was asking for my height in feet instead of in feet and inches, so it was confusion what to put there.

    It took me two tries to connect my Fitbit account. The first time it acted like it was connected but the dashboard wouldn't refresh. I disconnected and reconnected and it is working now :)

    It's giving me my distance traveled in KM instead of Miles.

    I already track my weight in Fitbit using one of their scales, I don't know if their API lets you get that data, but that would be handy.

    Keep up the excellent work and good luck!

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      Hey thanks for the feedback I have addressed the issues you experienced so cheers for pointing them out.

      Yeah I completely overlooked using Fitbits weight data so that's definitely something I'll look into adding support for.

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    Design looks like. I think your main challenge will be acquisition (since there are a lot of competing product), how do you plan to get started with that?

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      Hey yeah I agree acquisiton is definiftly the biggest challenge I have. At the moment im planning on advertising specifically to Fitbit users which narrows the competition slightly. I have made a really nice motion graphic insta story ad that im running to this audience, but other than that im still looking for ways to improve my marketing.

      1. 1

        Oh I see, how do you plan on reaching Fitbit users though?

        1. 1

          At the moment through instagram ads

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