Need beta testers for our design tool (Free account for 3 months)

After working with my partner for at least 6 months on Pixelied we have finally launched our design editor and are currently looking for beta testers to give us their valuable feedback in improving our platform.

✅ About Pixelied:
Pixelied provides a graphics solution for startups and individuals where we provide social media templates, blog featured designs, email headers and landing page illustrations. (More formats to come)

The idea behind Pixelied is when I needed graphic designs for my previous startups, I had every department covered from developing to marketing but having graphics was a real pain as creating good graphics would cost a lot and I was a mediocre designer on Photoshop (Trust me even you would be better at it 😄) which would take a lot of my time and resources.

All those users from Indie Hackers that register for our beta testing, will be given a free 3 months Pro account with all the updates and new features.

It is an exciting and long journey and we need your help in making it the best design tool out there!

👉 Website: https://pixelied.com/?ref=indie

I would appreciate any feedback you have regarding the software! 🙏

posted to Icon for group Beta Testing
Beta Testing
on May 31, 2020
  1. 2

    Unfortunately I think the video flips through images a little too quickly. Granted I've had a brain injury but I'm now a big fan of letting users flip through images manually.

    I think you have a valid idea and a decent landing page. I'm not a potential customer only because I'm a developer that doesn't put much time/effort into graphics.

    Hope that helps and good luck!

    1. 1

      Thank you for the feedback

      I'll see what I can do about the gif speed :)

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