NoCodery's New homepage.

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Landing Page Feedback
on May 28, 2020
  1. 1

    Should this "Find thousands jobs and gigs" say "Find thousands of jobs and gigs"?

    Do you know if you are offering video tutorials or text tutorials? I couldn't tell from the landing page itself, but it made more sense that you offer paid tutorials after I clicked on "Learning".

    It was already mentioned in another comment, but is your focus going to be on teaching people no code or connecting people to no code jobs?

  2. 1

    Hi there!

    Up top you have logos of Bildr, Adalo, MemberStack, Bubble, but no Landen.
    I'm not sure what's the asymmetry for?

    It seems the testimonials are mostly about job posting. But the first two section started off with learning only. And one smaller section about jobs. If that's what market you've tapped into maybe try to leverage and grow that by putting those first?

    Thanks for reading!

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