Please roast my landing page

I'm working on launching a new budgeting mobile application and I'm looking for feedback on my landing page: InstaBudget

Thank you 🤙

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Landing Page Feedback
on June 2, 2020
  1. 1

    Hey @poitch - nice work!

    Some elements look a bit of grid, do you've any grid system behind? Emojis are cute tho ;)

    I'm working on a Notion site recently, keen to know your feedback!

  2. 1

    Hey poitch!

    I think the message is pretty clear! For me the second headline is even stronger than the first one (maybe put it first?): "Connect your online bank accounts to track your expenses." - This really clicked with me.

    One thing I am missing - where is your USP to the competition? Maybe you can emphasize your USP a bit more?

    Another thing is - why should I trust you with my financial data? For me to use your product, you would need some kind of endorsement, or a founder with a story with some expertise here. Something like that..

    1. 1

      I did hesitate between the primary and secondary headlines. So this is good data.

      Good point, I didn't think about the USP.

      I don't have customer endorsement yet, so I might have to add the founder section.

      Thank you.

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