Post your no-code landing page, I'll suggest how to convert visits into customers 🎯

I'd like to start a conversation about acquisition in no-code.

⚡️ Post your landing + no-code tools you use - I'll give you tips to convert visits into customers⚡️

Our users at Palabra are creating some impressive flows to convert landing page visits into paid customers, like this one. And I want to share a bit of what we've learned from them.

Let's get the no-code community talking about building profitable businesses ✨

posted to Icon for group No-Code
on September 24, 2020
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    Enroll in college to get cheaper healthcare.

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      Haha love the domain and concept. Using sumo to collect emails is a great idea, but I signed up and didn't receive anything yet. Use email sequences! Short emails, simple ones, with gifs or short videos.

      Since your revenue comes from people buying you a coffee, I'd create an email sequence to give further value and make people like you. Here are a few ideas:
      1- Confirmation/welcome email. That's kind of expected nowadays
      2- A bit more info about your idea to inspire trust. Maybe talk about how enrolling in college is a legit way to get cheaper healthcare? Did this work for you? Did it work for your friends?
      3- Try to get them talking instead of you. Maybe ask them a question? I'd include a link to your twitter and try to move the conversation there
      4- You promised more tips to stop being dumb. What are those? I'm kinda curious
      5- Share a bit more about yourself. People have to like you enough and understand how much work this means for you, so they'll buy you a coffee

      Making it a bit more personal while keeping the sarcasm will create a relationship between you and your subscribers. I'd really suggest adding videos to those emails, using Loom or Sendspark (https://sendspark.com/)

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        All great points, can definitely improve my email approach a lot. How do you run your drips?

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          On closer inspection I'm guessing with Palabra haha

          1. 1

            Haha exactly, but you could use any email software that allows drip campaigns. If you want to try Palabra let me know :)

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      Since you're talking to devs and makers, I think a text-only email campaign from the landing page will be enough. No styling or images, just simple facts.

      Send 2-3 emails to people who leave their email to request early access:

      1. Welcome email to make them feel part of your early access community
      2. Open a conversation about THEIR projects, not your platform. Ask what they're doing, offer examples of apps they could build
      3. Share what other people are doing to get people into building apps. Give ideas for use cases

      Also, there's a bit of friction to submit the email. Would allow people to leave their email without clicking on a different page.

      The easiest way is to add a Typeform form on the "Request Early Access" button, asking a question or two to qualify leads (if they're devs or not, for example). That form submission could trigger the email campaign.

      If you want to build the form yourself, just move the email submission form to the front and send a triggered email campaign from new submissions. You can do this with Zapier, Mailgun or Palabra's webhooks ;)

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    Hi Pau.

    Great idea and very generous of you.

    I've just launched https://getsocialdesign.com/ built with Dorik. I know there are a bunch of areas to improve here but would be keen to hear your thoughts.


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      Hey Nathan! I love the idea of a subscription based agency. I also really like the landing page, it describes a pretty new idea really easily.
      The CTA to sign up is clear enough, it may be a good idea to move the first "Get started" button directly to the pricing section (it may be a bug).

      To improve conversions I'd add a second path for people to follow when they are not convinced enough to buy. The classic lead generation playbook is to offer something of value to interested prospects. Could be a free 30 min consultation to understand each use case and give people an idea of how long their development would take.
      Adding a CTA to that free meeting and asking people for their email is enough to start a simple email sequence. You could create a Typeform/Airtable form to collect answers and send automated emails from there.
      Here's a suggested sequence:

      1. Thank people, remind them of your main value prop, and give them a calendar link for them to book a meeting
      2. If they don't book, send just one quick reminder
      3. If they still don't book, send a quick question about what happened. Most people won't answer, but those who do will give you very valuable feedback.

      After the meeting send a brief of what you discussed with next steps to subscribe. If they don't, it may be a good idea to repeat the last sequence. Simple and short emails with little to no design will probably be right for your prospects, since they're looking for specific solutions from experts.

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        Made those changes ;)

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        Hey Pau.

        Really appreciate your feedback. I had wondered what to use as a secondary CTA and an initial consultation is a great idea. I'm going to add this now.

        Also fixed the "Get Started" link. Good spot.

        Thanks again.

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          It looks great Nathan! Let me know if it helps your conversions :)

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      Hola Jesus! I love your landing's design, and I have a suggestion that I think will improve your click through rate.

      1. Choose one single action you want your landing page visitors to take. I'd say the preferred action would be to contact you and set up a meeting, right? Every button and CTA should direct to that action alone. Your portfolio and about page are important, but less so than contacting you.
      2. Put a CTA right at the top, so we understand what action to take even with our really short attention span. I'd say add a Contact us button after the tagline.
      3. Instead of leaving an empty "Message"field to contact you, I'd add a few questions to qualify your leads. Maybe business vertical, budget they have? You'll be able to think of better questions than I can.
        After they submit their info you could send them an email with a Calendy link, with more information about your agency.

      I have another idea but don't know how hard it'll be to implement. I'll leave it here just in case:
      Jumping into a phone call may seem like too much commitment to some people, I imagine. Is there any way of sending your prospects a possible solution for their problem without a call? If you have 3-5 questions you can ask to know what you could build for them, and send them an estimated value and weeks it'd take you to develop it for them, I think it'd be a great value prop for prospects who are on the fence.
      To try it with no code, you could create a Typeform or Airtable form from a "Get your solution" CTA (or a better thought message). That CTA should be the only other button besides "Contact us", so as to not confuse people, and be at the bottom of your landing page, for people who are considerating it. Then you could use those answers to send them an automated email with their estimate.
      This idea comes from Tommi's use case of Palabra, which I mentioned earlier. Here's the link in case you're interested to try something similar: https://blog.palabra.io/automate-lead-qualification-no-code

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        Btw, your second idea about the possible solution, it's a great idea and we can even make it an app!

      2. 1

        Thanks Pau, this is solid advice

        1. 1

          ... that ended up looking like this:
          Thanks Pau! If you launch a personal tier for palabra, I'm in!

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      Hey Yash! I'm getting a "too many redirects" error and can't access it :(

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        Hey Pau, sorry for that. Works for me... let me check what needs to be done there.

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      Hey Jaisal, I hadn't heard of Submit Juice and it's a great idea! I love how clear the value prop is. The problem you solve is a real pain for makers, and I'm definitely considering buying your service :)

      I have one suggestion that I think will make better conversion rates from landing page views to paid users: offer a road for people to take even while they're not committed enough to pay 99 pounds for it.

      Take my use case for example. With Palabra I have the exact problem you solve. I want to reach a broader audience but don't have enough time to do so manually myself. I found your landing page in an Indie Hackers post on a sunday, and think it could be a good solution.

      The thing is, I'm not sure it's the right moment or right solution for my problem, at least not immediately. So I went for the free button and found your directory is awesome, the value is getting clearer. But I'm still not sure whether to buy or not.

      I'd gladly leave my email address in exchange for receiving a link to that database in my inbox, so I can look it up later. Or maybe downloading the list for example, or seeing something extra. Now, once I give you my email address, you have me as a qualified prospect, one who is likely to buy eventually.

      It takes a bit of time to figure out the exact path leads take to buy your service, but I'd recommend you start somewhere, and I think the free database is a perfect way to start collecting the email address of interested prospects.

      You could even add a few questions to qualify your prospects before sending them the resource. I mean, send those emails anyway, but figure out if people who clicked are your ideal buyers or not. (Did they launch something recenty? Have they done it before and know the struggle? Are they making money from it?). Most people just create a simple form with just a few questions for qualification, and you could use Airtable or Typeform for that.

      Then I'd suggest creating a short drip campaign sort of like this:
      0- Send the link or resource you offered. A good practice I've seen is letting people know they're about to recieve a few emails about your service, so they can opt out if they want. This creates a trustful relationship between you and them from the very beginning.
      1- Briefly remind them of the problem you're solving and how you do that (paraphrasing what you're communicating in your landing page will probably be enough).
      2- Do you have success stories? Have you published a product and gotten them a lot of views/clients/traffic? Briefly share them, with a CTA to buy.
      3- Offer to go through the specifics in a call or chat. Some people need to hear it from you to make the final decision. I'd add the classic Calendly link so they can book time from your schedule.

      I'd make these emails as short and simple as possible. Adding images, simple infographics or CTA buttons would be nice but not a must. Direct and personal messages usually communicate you're trustworthy, more than crazy images and fluorescent CTAs.

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    Thanks! I think I am very far from what is ideal, so comments are very welcome: www.golifo.com

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      Hey Laurence! I don't think you're that far from ideal! I think tweaking a couple of things will be enough to make it much better:

      • I'd make a simpler call to action. Instead of "Add an event group offer" you could just say "sign up" or "start for free" (since people don't have to pay upfront)
      • I'd keep just one call to action all through the landing page (like automatio.co does), if sign ups are the most important thing you want to get, then that's the only button you need right now. The survey is something I'd send later on on an email campaign, so you keep the attention of prospects in one thing at a time

      I think just making it simple for people to understand what you want them to do in your landing page will make for a better visit to user conversion.

      Now when it comes to emails:
      I received confirmation emails each time I submitted my email. That's great! I think those emails could also work to start engaging people who showed interest.
      My suggestion is that you make those emails a bit more personal. Sign them with your own email address (or even send them from a personal address), let people start getting to know you!

      There's this basic email sequence that usually works if you'd like to use them to engage prospects who submitted their info:
      1- Welcome them! Make them feel special, write directly to them
      2- Share a few things your product works great for. Maybe a use case to make it clear where the value of Golifo is. Add a link to request a demo there, or to start a direct conversation.
      3- Share more about how your product works, maybe creating short videos and embedding them (sendspark.com is great for that)
      4- Ask them why they're interested in Golifo, send the survey or ask a specific question

      Those emails could be sent when people submit their email because they're interested, when they ask for a demo or when they sign up. Try to give more info to people who show more interest (for example booking a demo means they must be really interested!)

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        Great Pau! This is very actionable feedback and something I can do. I appreciate you very much taking the time to do this. Grateful 🙏

      2. 2

        Thanks a lot for the valuable feedback. You are right, I should engage people lot of more. Sometimes there are weeks or months I don't send a newsletter.

        And for people who just subscribed, they missed all previous videos. I should send those videos in emails as drip campaign.

        Lets chat over private.

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    https://automatio.co is landing page I created in rush while doing many other things. UI, graphics, copy writing (I know it can be much better).

    Looking forward for your feedback.

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      Hey Stefan! I love Automatio! And I already signed up for early access :)

      I think your landing page is pretty neat, you have a clear call to action that's the same all through the page. I also think you communicate the value really simply and nice.

      I signed up and got a confirmation email with the survey, that was nice! Are you sending any other emails after that? I think it'd be a good idea to keep your prospect users engaged with an automated drip campaign, so it doesn't take time while you're building your product.

      I think you should use the content you already have on youtube and your landing page and repeat it in short bits of information in your emails. You could add those videos to emails (maybe make them a bit shorter), and create a sequence that goes on for a few days!

      The fact that some people are interested enough to fill the survey means you have "warmer" leads with them. You could try and get them to pay for early access at a discounted price (like you mention in the survey) but over a couple of emails so it doesn't seem too sudden.

      I think the sequence could be something like this:
      For people who submit their email I'd add 2 more emails talking about the product and common use cases. Even if they don't complete the survey, they'll still have a clear idea of what they could do with your product.
      For people who also complete the survey, I'd add a couple more emails sharing your own vision, how you're working on the product and maybe what features you're deveoping. Make them feel part of your project, since they are probably going to be your first customers.

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      Hey @michelleaxu, since Voxie is a B2B business with sales-supported acquisition, I'd say activation from the landing page isn't the main acquisition channel. But I think there's a way to get to people that aren't convinced enough to book a demo, but are kind of interested.

      What some B2B businesses do, which I think is a nice practice, is create a second flow to act as a lead qualifier for people that don't want to book the demo.

      For example, an ebook with tips on conversational marketing for ecommerce would appeal to Voxie's buyer. You could offer a resource for free asking for their email address, maybe asking a few questions to see if they qualify as possible buyers.

      I'd then trigger a short campaign as to not bug people too much, but to try and get them to book a demo and move to the sales funnel. Maybe 3-4 emails sharing some use cases, images or videos showing how the product works, and trying to engage them into sharing their own use case.

      Automating a process to capture people who are not ready to book a demo yet will take little to no time and allow you to reach to prospects that would otherwise leave from your landing page before interacting with your sales team.

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