Starting Up
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Starting Up
Post your startup's biggest marketing challenge right now and I'll reply with a tip, resource, or action.
Oliver Meakings
Exactly as the title says.
What is the biggest marketing challenge you currently have.
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Having trouble building traffic. Trying to post in relevant forums and giving Google Ads a go. Traffic is a trickle. Not sure the best approach to get the numbers.
Got a few customers at BetterSheets
Gonna raise the price this Friday. How do I broadcast that, without seeming scammy or spammy.
Will go from $30 to $49. Have made over 50 videos. and new customers are getting private videos for their exclusive needs.
Haven't found the main traction channel for growth. Seems like I am spinning my wheels. I think SEO and paid traffic are going to be the best drivers of growth. I still am hungry for feedback on https://storycreatorapp.com/
Would love thoughts.
imo your best growth channel should be "made with Storycreator" text somewhere on the video. If someone like Tim Ferris would post a video with this text you'll get tons of customers immediately.
What I'd try doing is create a list of podcasts on topics that you yourself are a fan of (or even actually listening). Then I would pick 2-3 shows from each podcast and create those cool videos FOR THEM (with "made with Storycreator" text of course). And then you share those vids on all social channels and tag them so that they would see it. Your goal is to make them retweet/share your videos. This way their audience would see "made with Storycreator" text.
To be a little more specific on how I'd do this... For each show I'd create at least 3 different videos from different bits in the show. Then I'd share one on Twitter, one on Facebook and one on LinkedIn a week apart from each other, tagging that person. If there will be no reaction from them, I might wait a week and repeat the process, this time posting a different video on each channel. If you'll do this with 10+ podcasts at once your feed will look quite natural - as if you're simply making your favourite bits from your favourite podcasts.
Hope this helps (plz let me know if you actually do it).
I absolutely love this advice and will definitely put it to action. My goal is to post three posts per week on https://www.instagram.com/storycreatorapp/ and on the blog. I think incorporating this would be a great idea.
Excited to try it out! I will definitely keep you in the loop. If you're on IG I would love to keep you in the loop https://www.instagram.com/michaelaubry/
awesome! feel free to ping me in DM once you try it out and I'll be happy to bounce more marketing ideas with you ;)
Sweet! Let me know if I can do anything in return 👊
How many podcasts have you talked to so far?
What channels are getting any traction?
My first paying customer came from a DM then building a relationship. I've reached out to over 50 or so. Maybe close to 100 now. I would say DM's have been the best channel.
Good organic rankings in google for some important keywords
And also: getting to know in which area I can find some opportunities (what are users struggling with)
My biggest challenge is to find people in the field of marketing. I need marketers to try out a product that relates to promoting products online.
have you tried newsletters?
I have 6k, people, about a one third are marketers reading my newsletter: InfluenceWeekly.co
and there's plenty of marketing newsletters at letterwell.co or thoughtleaders.io or paved.com
How would I market towards them? Advertisements?
Talk to newsletter writers. If its useful for their audience they might be able to try it themselves. Yes ads. Or trades. Or giveaways.
oh and I run hypeletter.com too FYI :)
Hi Oliver,
I'm running audiochamber.xyz and we are currently at around 20-30 subscribers. My goal is to hit 100 subs soon. We have tried to improve our SEO as well as posted on our social media about the website. Any thoughts?
Try trading shoutouts with other newsletters. Curate a selection for flowstate.substack.com (the DJ there is great, and I curated a selection once, got some subs from it)
also https://albumdaily.com/
and https://www.platformandstream.com/
If you can score a shoutout trade with those three I bet you'll get up to 200 to 300 subs. maybe even 500 if you're a good writer.
Hey Oliver,
We're live on ProductHunt - https://www.producthunt.com/posts/project-ekalavya
We are at #7 now, how do we get to #1?
We got to #4 & earned the badge.
Please put on your thinking hat & give tips for us to get to #1
I like your product and upvoted it. Congrats on the success!
The work to perform well on PH has to take place before launch.
Make sure you're:
Thanks for the upvote Olly. Yes, agree that much of it happens before.
Tried few of the methods suggested & seems to be working as of now.
Update: We're at #2
I am having an issue narrowing down my audience. I ran Facebook ads for leads, for website development. After reaching 10k I got 1 customer and few trolls. I was targetting small business owners.
@Eezaamout Reaching 10k what?
Sorry I should've made that clear. Facebook people reached
What was your CTR?